ABES2024 Sectorial Event – Finance & E-Commerce


We were delighted to host our second sectorial event ‘Finance & E-Commerce’ yesterday at the chamber held in the run up to the 4th Arab British Economic Summit 2024. Chaired by ABCC’s Deputy CEO & Secretary General, Abdeslam El-idrissi, our distinguished speakers each provided key insights into the growth of fintech, the expansion of the e-commerce market, the application of AI across industries, the concept of business onboarding and the importance of the private sector in attracting FDI and project financing.

With the participation of professionals, business executives and diplomats, the challenges and solutions posed by the growth in financial services and e-commerce were discussed.

Winston Bell-Gam addressed the role of project finance in the delivery of new infrastructure including the mobilisation of finance needed to establish the new data infrastructure essential for the successful adoption of AI and e-commerce.

Rupert Gather described the importance of FDI within the framework of the financial ecosystem that involved the numerous investment agencies seeking to attract investment, of which the UK had more than a hundred located around the country. He also described InvestUK’s work, attracting inward private investment to support SMEs.

Zayd Idrissi-Regragui discussed Mustashar – Distribution & Brand Development’s mission of bringing MENA brands to the UK market, through adapting their brand messaging. While many MENA branded products are already well established they are often confined and don’t reach the mainstream market.

Jamila Saidi stressed how the UK viewed it’s relationship with the GCC as a prime opportunity for the British economy to attract investment, boost exports and help companies succeed. The growing opportunities arising from e-commerce would constitute 50% of total global trade by 2050 and already have a value of $6.3 trillion.

Valur Thor Gunnarsson explained that Taktikal’s role is to assist businesses by removing barriers to trade. As an onboarding specialist, he pointed out that 65% of new customers abandon application processes in their first attempt as they are too complicated and time consuming.

This sectorial forum was the second successful event covering themes that will be featured in the programme of ABES2024, our flagship annual Summit, taking place on 25th November.