ABES2024 Sectorial Event – Innovate for Sustainability


The ABCC was delighted to host on 26th September 2024 an ambassadorial roundtable with Algeria’s ambassador to the UK, HE Mr Nourredine Yazid,

The meeting was held with the aim of promoting the investment opportunities in Algeria with a particular focus on priority industries such as renewable energy to diversify the Algerian economy. The roundtable was chaired by ABCC CEO & Secretary General, Mr Bandar Reda, with the participation of ABCC Deputy CEO & Secretary General, Mr Abdeslam El-idrissi.

The ambassador highlighted the potential to invest in emerging industries such as tourism, agriculture and IT. He emphasised the positive economic developments, advantageous investment laws, political stability and young workforce as key factors in attracting FDI alongside the work of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency. In discussing the developed industries and companies such as Algérie Telecom and Sonatrach, His Excellency mentioned that Algeria ranked 10th globally in natural gas reserves and 16th for oil reserves, drawing on the recent Algerian-British Strategic Dialogue to demonstrate Algeria’s willingness to enhance economic cooperation.