International Trade Training Courses

The Arab-British Chamber of Commerce is delivering a series of courses designed to educate and train companies on the procedures of importing and exporting. These courses are designed for companies new to international trade as well as those experienced in it looking to refresh and update their knowledge and skillset. Below are the details of the courses on offer.


Key information

  • Course duration: 2h30
  • Member price: £100+VAT
  • Non-member price: £150+VAT
  • Certificate of Completion

Customs Procedures and Documentation

This course covers the new rules and procedures that have been introduced when submitting customs declarations now that the UK has left the EU. A customs declaration is a form that must be submitted to UK customs that enables goods to be imported and exported. It is vitally important that importers and exporters understand the information required to be submitted to customs, as in most cases it is the importer and exporter who would be liable for this information, even if it is done by a third party.

Incoterms® 2020

Incoterms® are a set of internationally recognised rules, set by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), which define the responsibilities of importers and exporters involved in international commercial transactions. The ICC recently published a new edition of Incoterms® rules, Incoterms® 2020, which will help prepare business for the next decade of global trade. When used correctly, Incoterms® avoid uncertainty, minimise delay and facilitate smooth operations, transport and payment. The course content will be applicable to all scenarios post Brexit.

Export Documentation

This course offers a detailed insight into export documents. It explains why documents are needed and the content that each document should contain.


This course explores how to find, appoint and develop agents and distributors. It will cover:

  • The difference between agents and distributors
  • Methods of finding agents and distributors
  • Partner profiling
  • Developing of agents and distributors
  • Cultural issues
  • Communicating a competitive strategy
  • Sample agreements

Preference Rules of Origin

Since the beginning of 2021, the UK has signed a series of trade agreements which allow goods to be imported at preferential rates of import duty. To be able to benefit from these agreements, companies have to ensure their products comply with the specific rules for preferential trade between the individual countries or regions. This course explains the current Rules of Origin, Trade Agreements, how to establish where goods originate “officially”, and the internal factors to support origin declarations.

Import Procedures

This course will consider the basic procedures, terminology and documentation involved in importing. It will give an overview of the entire importing process including supplier selection, evaluation of risks, supply chain, terms of delivery, methods of payment, selection of clearing agent, duty and excise and the role of UK customs.

Introduction to Export

This introductory course covers all the key elements of international trade. The course will deliver a complete understanding of the export process, the export documents required and will answer many of the questions raised whilst preparing and progressing export orders for customer overseas. The content provides an excellent platform for delegates to continue their own learning path on to more specialist courses.

Understanding Commodity Codes

This course covers all the key elements of the Tariff/Commodity code. It highlights the commercial implications of the correct use of the Tariff/Commodity code and the importance of having a good understanding of them, which will help ensure successful and efficient global business.


ABCC membership provides exclusive networking opportunities such as unlimited complimentary access to most of our high-end events, speaking opportunities, media exposure and various marketing options through our website and publications. Exporters will also benefit from more than 50% reductions in certification fees, s discounts on international trade training courses, notary, and translation services, plus discounts on hiring our prime location venue, as well as access to reliable advice on doing business with the Arab world.